

Wednesday, July 29, 2015
  "Nada se perde, Tudo se transforma" is a company located in our neigbourhood that recyles and transforms vintage furniture. Last month we had the chance to catch up with them and find out more about their bustling first months in the business. Nomalism – Tell us about your project, how did it begin? M – It began two months ago, although I’ve...



Solo Female Traveller | Viajar a solo

Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Never in my life have I ever considered going to a completely foreign environment on my own, especially as a young woman still in college. It’s a scary thing to commit to and many don’t think about ever doing it in their life. Being out of our elements by ourselves can bring out a raw vulnerability and a terrible fear of being without...



Summer Fun with Oilcloth

Wednesday, July 15, 2015
    The summer brings in a lot of fun activities and play. Some of the most popular games for kids is anything that gets them (and you) extremely soaked.  Water guns and balloons can be a fun outdoor activity, but definitely not easy to control on your outdoor furniture. A great solution to your worry this season is oilcloth. What is it...


july favorite songs

Music for my July

Wednesday, July 08, 2015
July officially starts the Music festival season, as long as all the outdoor concerts, sunsets by the beach, and a lot more night life encounters. So here's a playlist to cheer your disposition! ---- ---- Julho traz festivais de verão, concertos de rua, ao vivo, festas depois do trabalho na praia, e muito mais eventos noctívagos. Por isso aqui está a playlist deste...



Inspiration: Citrus

Wednesday, July 01, 2015
  It’s summer and that means the sun is twice as hot! Seasonal changes are a great opportunity for some change, even in your home. It can be a little tricky to find what works best for your style and home. The best way that we found most practical is starting with a theme, specifically, a colored theme or palette (as interior designers...


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